Monday, September 13, 2010


Saturday night I stood near the bedside of Don Fremming. Don ended his long battle with cancer and his wife Jackie, their daughter and some close friends gathered around his bed and prayed and sang songs and rejoiced. Don was a servant—he mowed the large acreage of our church property for over a decade until his health faded. His life group was a close knit family and they were the picture of Christian community. They were a life group long before we had life groups. They lived in Christian community and as he went home he was surrounded by Christian community. It makes me think about who will I be surrounded by?

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Be ready, be prepared and never forget.

Setting our sights

We often lose sight of the original vision for our lives and busy ourselves with lesser things. A distraction is looking away to other matters and taking our eyes off the focus of our lives. We entertain ourselves to relax, we amuse ourselves to feel satisfied and as we strive for more and more comfort we are susceptible to distraction. The imperative to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus is the only way we can avoid these traps and distractions. What has your "eye"?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Awesome youth kick off!!

Being careful is not the point

I was telling a friend about an upcoming mission trip to Honduras where my son and I will be canoeing down a remote river to the Mosquito coast to show the “Jesus Video” to the Garifuna tribe. They told me to “be careful” that a friend of theirs had returned from a similar trip with a parasite and lost 40lbs. I thought to myself, a) where can I get that parasite and b) I don’t want to be careful, I want to be obedient, filled, used, courageous and effective. Sometimes those things just can’t be done with careful.