Monday, March 10, 2008

Thoughts on Leadership

I'm a leader, therefore I must lead, read, lead, teach, lead, serve, lead, model and lead.
I must give it away because I have very limited abilities. I must focus and delegate.
I must clarify who I can lead, what leading looks like and how is it evaluated.
I must choose to lead those who are following and not those who I wish would follow.
I must reconcile that my calling is irrevocable--failure is not an option. Affliction is part of character building and the time is short.


Jeff Reininger said...

thanks for have no idea what it's meant to me!

ry@n said...

jeff you are amazing, leading is your gift and for this I am thankful. leading selflessly each week.

Jeff Harris said...

I appreciate you guys...there are those moments when we recognize a glimpse of who we are and what we are to's the focus of our lives that glimpse...holding on to it and pursuing it...