Sunday, September 21, 2008

Wild Goose

I love the “Chasing the Wild Goose” phrase that the early Celtic Christians coined in reference to the Holy Spirit. Following the Holy Spirit is a great adventure and oftentimes leads us into the unknown. Sometimes we even end up going, “Huh?” Other times we clearly see the convergence. This week I was chasing the Wild Goose and it felt like a free fall—with a smile on my face. I sold a car, gave 90% of the proceeds away and purchased another old fixer-upper all in a 48-hour period. I just said, “Okay Lord, I’ll follow.” It’s been a blast. It’s been exciting. I feel alive.


EPIC Life Group said...

WILD-GOOSE CHASE. A tedious uncertain pursuit, like the
following a flock of wild geese, who are remarkably shy.

I'm game. I'll be looking for my "wild goose". I wonder what I'll do if I catch it? :)

EPIC Life Group said...

P. Jeff,
EPIC gets it. Check out the most recent posting.