Sunday, October 19, 2008

Get in the Word

I am shocked about how many people have actually never read the Bible or even a book of the Bible all the way through! I was listening to statistics of how 71% of high school graduates will never read another book and how 48% of college graduates won’t either. I realized that literacy for Americans is on the wane. Recently, I began reading the Bible like story again. Did you know in Matthew chapter eight there were actually two demon-possessed guys that were delivered when the demons went into the pigs? I didn’t and I have a Masters Degree in Theology. How come we only hear about the one? Did one become a disciple or did one simply not follow? So many have never even read the wonder of it all and others have become too familiar and approach the Bible in snippets. (I’m guilty of that at times.) “Faith Comes By Hearing” has a mp3 player where in 28 minutes a day you can listen to the entire New Testament in 30 days—and it’s very well done. There are dozens of reading programs online that can take you through the Bible in a year. I challenge you to start somewhere and fall in love with the beauty, the mystery and the power of God’s Word.


EPIC Life Group said...


Sara said...

Or pick up a copy of 'The Message' by Eugene Peterson. The bible in contemporary translation. IT is like reading a book and falling captured by stories all over again. It has lit a fire under me and I use it ALL the time to help me in my study time.

--Sara Gwathmey

Jennifer said...

I remember a good friend bringing me my first owned and first ever opened Bible, probably about a little less than 2 years ago. I now have about 4 Bibles and I have never set the Word down. There has not been a day since that friend brought me my most treasured gift ever that I have taken this Book for granted.

Anonymous said...

I have to "ditto" Sara. I fell back in love with the Word while reading the Message. It took 54 years to read it through the first time. I'm hoping to break that record the second time. I'm off to a good start. :)

Anonymous said...

Much more relevant and useful things to read.

Not many will read the Quran either.

Jeff Harris said...

Anonymous what if as Jesus said "your Word is the Truth" Jn.17:17...and then in 2Timothy 3:16 "All Scripture is God breathed "useful" for teaching, rebuking, corrrection and training in righteousness". or 2 Peter 1:21 For Prophecy never had it's origin in the will of man but men spoke from God as they wre carried along by the Spirit". And even if you assume the Bible is untrue it speaks about finances, relationships, conflict resolution, marriage and purpose and meaning in much more relevant can you get...?
If you assume Jesus was not a liar and fraud then you can trust that the Word is true...and that's when it comes alive in you...His Spirit then testifies to yours and illuminates your mind. 1Cor.2:13 Spiritual truths taught in spiritual words...

Anonymous said...

Larry wanted me to share that it is important to read the Bible daily for nourishment. He reads the "Daily Bread".

Michael Mendoza said...

I've never read the whole Bible all the way through, but I want to. Recently my eyes were opened to how important God's Word is. In Proverbs the Word is described as something that man cannot live without - a need. I never looked at the Word of God like that before. I read the Bible, but I have usually tried to regergitate Pastor Jeff's sermons or rely on my own discernment in life. Just these past 13 weeks I learned how to read and study the Bible more effectively and I'm just now starting to put these new found principles into practice. I'm excited!

Anonymous said...

How many of us are "Muddying the water" reading books written by man? Reading things we really have no idea if it tells the truth or not? I was reading a lot of different books then realized I was not reading THE BOOK, Gods word. The Only one which we can be sure is right. I have devoted myself to begin studying His Word thourogly, and to hold any other book up to the truth detector (the Bible).
Recently I had heard a lot of talk about a book called the shack. It is non-fiction but several people told me how it has CHANGED THEIR LIVES. I was going to buy a copy, but decided to check it out first. Here is one review (of many that I found that had the same advice)that I posted here.