Monday, January 21, 2008

Going Postal

Deacon Dick is the thorn in my friend Tony's side. Deacon Dick tries to run the church and is a critic for Tony who is trying to bring about change. There is no encouragement and only the sniveling chisel of critique and unseasoned opinion, the kind of monday morning quarterbacking we are all prone to when we think we know what a certain job/role is about though we've never done it. Tony was a Postal worker before surrendering to ministry and he's lasted longer at the church than any pastor before him.. he says the numbing work and union politics of postal life prepared him to weather 'Deacon Dick'. Nehemiah had SanBallat, Jesus had Judas, there is always going to be someone on the inside who squeaks and creeks, complains and chisels but like Nehemiah the work is too important to be sidetracked and Like Tony God has prepared you for the encounter so lean into the Spirit and don't succumb to the flesh. The other side of the coin is there are people in your life who could use some encouragement or constructive coaching so don't be cavalier with your advice or fancy yourself an expert about their job unless you've done it...think about it...don't be a deacon dick.


Anonymous said...

Tell your friend Tony that he should concentrate on the allies that surround him and to thank God that the good deacon's chisel is dull, will not harm him and will only serve to push him toward his "Spirit lean"...and that's a tgood thing.

Anonymous said...

To make a muscle stronger, you have to push that muscle past the breaking point. The muscle fibers break, but then grow back stronger. It is hard to do, but we have to thank God for people like Deacon Dick. If everyone agreed with us, think of all the terrible things we might do. I assume Deacon Dick doesn't work for the Post Office, so is there such a word as going Deaconal? (my appologies to all the Deacons that might read this)