Sunday, December 28, 2008


The turning of a new year is a strange phenomenon. A random calendar date causes us to look forward and back: to evaluate who we are, where we’ve been and what we would like to see change in the future. Resolutions are made and new ventures are pursued based on the psychology of the marking of time. His mercies are new every morning…what if we approached each day with the Lord as though it were New Year’s Day? I have my resolutions for this year and for today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've never really thought about the idea of a daily resolution, but I like it! I do know I am wired to begin the daily resolution process in the early hours of the morning, before I even get out of bed.

In the hour or so before my body wakes up fully, my mind is already beginning the process of "resolving" the day. Many of the issues of the day are solved and some continue to be processed.

It pleases me when I realize my heart has found it's sweet spot before God and has intuitively turned over those unresolvable daily issues to God. I acknowledge there is nothing I can do, desire to do or will do to my benefit other than believe that the task is God's.

Somewhere in the midst, I am reciting, "For God so loved the world..."

Thanks again,
"All In"