Sunday, January 25, 2009

No Coincidence

My son and I pulled into the car wash and as I was dropping quarters into the vacuum a twenty something man asked if he could borrow my phone. He assured me he wasn’t going to run off or anything. I willingly handed over my phone and continued to vacuum. He stepped away from the noise in order to place his call, after he finished he shared “my brother and I got into a fight and he drove off with my phone and my wallet.” I asked if he needed a ride and he said, “that would be great. Could you take me over to the Wal-mart since my brother is there?” So we piled into the car, my son a bit wide eyed, and we dropped him at the Wal-mart. On the way we talked and he asked me, “So, what do you do?” And I told him I was a pastor at Grace Point. Through this brief dialogue I told him I didn’t think there were any coincidences and that God had has our paths cross. I didn’t have a lot of time with this young man but my son and I did our best to communicate our love for Christ and his need. My son on the way home was energized by the encounter—we had helped someone and we had pointed them toward Christ in a brief but powerful interaction.

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