Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Our News Cast

I stayed up late to watch my brothers sports cast...he led with the miraculous story of Buffalo Bills Tight End who is miraculously recovering from a spinal cord injury. He led by saying it is not often that he gets to cover things that matter and spoke of the new technique using almost frozen saline drip immediatley might have changed this young mans life and be a revolutionary new treatment for spinal cord injuries. I was proud...and then after some ubiquitous coverage he ended his less than 3 minute segment with a story about an OU fan that got into a fight with a UT fan by grabbing his genetalia until it was nearly severed from lack of blood flow. The OU fan a 'deacon' would go on trial this week. I thought to myself that's news? That's sports? Our lives are a news cast. What we say and how we live are on display. Each of us has a choice what to air, each of us decides what is news worthy, what we are going to lead with and what type of editorials we are going to leave our viewers with. Most people want the sensational, and not the meaningful. Most people want the scandalous bad news and not the good. It's your news cast.....

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