Sunday, December 2, 2007


The Power of focus is the ability to say no to the candy store of good things in order to pursue the one thing you know is your purpose. It is easy to rationalize and bend to modify and make exception...that is how focus is lost and the once forceful flood of focus is diluted and distributed over a vast valley of wants, desires, wishes and concessions. You cannot do everything and accomplish parent well requires a focus and resolve that with clarity says no to good things, to love well means to rule out emotions and behaviors, actions and attitudes that rend and destroy, to lead well means to say no to options and plans, strategies and soft sided concessions that take a team off course...but focus is potent and powerful and when sustained can move the go.................and I'll be with you.


Anonymous said...

Jim Woychuk again. I ran back to this one because it's sooo relevant to where I live.

Thanks again brother.

Jeff Harris said...

Me too...the challenge of everyday. I like Dallas Willard's distinction between mission and vision...let us never lose sight of the vision of becoming like Jesus.