Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Jewish Wedding, Rocket Launchers & Hagee

My friend Phil got married last weekend and it was a Jewish wedding...I know Phil is Jewish but he has never been particularly 'religious', and so it was odd in some ways for it to be a Jewish wedding. I was in the wedding party and was sitting with all of Phil's other friends and Gary who I didn't know had been on 60 minutes as they attempted to show how easy it would be to sale a rocket launcher...Gary buys and sells parts...Soon the conversation turned to beliefs...a Jewish playboy from San Fransisco who I knew from High School was talking of tithing...most Jews don't evidently (tithe that is). And then Gary asked me about Hagee and his support for Israel and how he felt it was all political...I said I thought it was mostly theological...that the Jews are blessed and that God was going to fulfill his covenant even though the gentiles had been grafted in...I told him I actually believed that as that moment our table was being moved so the new couple could dance and we were abruptly re located...soon it was time for my wife and I to head home. Two days later I got a nice email from Gary...he was hoping he hadn't offended...he had not of course, but his kindness was grand. When I read in Ez.37 about the dry bones being raised and the Spirit of God coming and restoring his people it's hard to imagine how Jesus cannot be accepted and yet I know there is a reason. The culturalism of Judaism as well is Christianity is people hold on to the form without the substance. I want to know Christ, to follow him, to be filled by his spirit...not just a cultural religious context to wrap my life. The promise of Ezekiel it seems is Mazeltov...the broken pieces put back together again. I pray the Spirit of Christ Jesus will open the eyes of my friends and that I will not be a stumbling block.

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