Saturday, November 24, 2007

Rebellion Freedom Trap

I wasn't any different at 21, I wanted to test the boundaries of what was acceptable and of course bring attention to myself by challenging the establishment ( and many things in the establishment need to be challenged) by my niece wanted to talk about hypocrisy and christians and why she didn't need 'community' but only a 'personal relationship' with Jesus...and she was a little concerned that her choices might rule out that relationship. In other words she wants to live how she wants to live, believe what she wants to believe and if it's doesn't line up with Jesus' teachings the oh well.... All sin is that way of course those daily choices not to follow Jesus, when I was 21 I hadn't made the choice the conscious choice to 'follow' and even now that I have there are many instances in my mind and with my habits that I don't...but the difference is I have made the choice to follow and in spite of my failure I press on...Rebellion is the choice not to follow and the conscious choice to do the opposite without the desire to try again, to repent to is the belief that freedom is found in the independence of these choices and making the choice to satisfy oneself...I guess the only difference is knowing and believing it is wrong and feeling remorse for the activity and starting new to try to follow or justifying your behaviour by saying it isn't wrong and staying in it. So following Jesus, following Jesus badly and not following Jesus. I would rather follow him badly (be wrong) than not follow him (pretend I'm right).

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