Saturday, October 13, 2007

bubba's gone

About 11:15 a.m Bubba Pruett left his skin body and finally got to see Jesus face to face. Bubba was a tortured soul...this world was tough for him...The outside as a lover of Jesus was strange and confusing...hard. Bubba had been out for six years and made money as a painter but was primarily a missionary to the down and out, the once imprisioned and the hurting. He longed to go back in to prison as a preacher and he was good at it. God used him. When he preached at Grace Point folks that wouldn't normally come, came...Bubba could connect, he'd been there. I will miss him, his big warm smile...the ease of his walk, the genuineness of his conversation. He will be missed for his presence...he never understood or was comfortable with the sheer potency of his presence..."why do people make such a fuss?" " I wish people would shut up about my past and see me for who I am". We did Bubba...We do.. You are a Prince of the Kingdom of the Almighty God...a prisoner set free, a lover of Jesus who now is in his presence...and because you so clearly loved him and because you spoke of your passion to be with once again "have been there" and you once again are making your presence felt...I will miss you and yet the thought of you with Jesus is good...its right...


Anonymous said...

Remember the song long ago, "It's hip to be square"? Bubba made it cool to be an "ex-felon sold out to Jesus". I met him about 2 years after my release from prison, struggling with my own identity, society has labeled me "ex-felon" but I don't choose to identify myself as that any longer.

I am all about jumping the redemption train, you don't need any baggage, there are no tears, no regrets, just pure freedom riders.

Bubba showed us all that it is way cool to be a Jesus freak.

Today I take a little bit of Bubba with me into my own corner of the world.

Sara Gwathmey
Jesus Freak
Freedom Rider
Sold out to Christ alone

Anonymous said...

YES. As a matter of fact, I AM a.....

Wide-Eyed, Sanctified, Blood Bought, Spirit Taught, Bible Totin', Scripture Quotin', Satan Bashin', Sin Trashin', Christ Followin', Pride Swallowin', Hard Prayin', Truth Conveyin', Faith Walkin', Gospel Talkin', Bonafide, BIG TIME BELIEVER, and PROUD of it! Romans 1:16, 12:1-2
