Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Hope of the World VS. World Hope

World Hope is a missions organization...I sit on the board. For years I have challenged the board to find a dedicated, full time leader to organize and fuel the mission desire of the organization but to no avail. World Hope is leaderless and while it is full of well intentioned saints with great desires it will never accomplish what it could or should for the Kingdom. Now, it does some good and to God be the glory but too often it settles for mediocrity. I cannot fix World Hope I can only reflect and ask the same question of myself; Am I settling in areas of my life for the mediocrity of 'doing some good' at the expense of greatly glorifying God to my best? World Hope is leaderless...and when everyone is responsible for fund raising, or Newsletter writing and the like, the no one is. In organizations where responsibility is unclear they slowly drift into irrelevance....but with lives it is different...responsibility is unshakeable and the drift into irrelevance complicit negligence.

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